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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Launching of eGovernance Stall by NIC Jagatsinghpur District Centre, Orissa at Zilla Utsav KALLOLA 2011 held at Collectorate Ground, Jagatsinghpur

With active support from District Administration Jagatsinghpur and necessary guidance from Shri S. K. Panda, SIO cum Sr. Technical Director, Shri A. K. Hota, TD cum District Coordinator, the eGovernance Stall was set up at district exhibition ground of Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa, during Zilla Utsav Kallola 2011.
Following arrangements were undertaken within the available resources
Installation of Touch Screen Based Information Kiosk and sharing various citizen centric information among common public.
Providing Internet connectivity from BSNL leased line to the stall and extending presentation of web services.
Presentation through LCD Projector about NeGP and various eGovernance Projects developed and implemented by NIC.
To meet various public queries relating to scope and opportunities associated with eGovernance and NIC.
SREI SAHAJ eVillage Limited, working on PPP mode with Govt. of Orissa for establishing Common Service Centres CSCs at GP level was involved for sharing information with public to let them know about various eServices proposed to be provided through CSC.
Sri Prasant Kumar Muduli, MLA, Balikuda inaugurated the stall in Presence of Sri N. C. Jena, IAS, Collector cum District Magistrate, Jagatsinghpur, Sri M. D. Mallik, Sub Collector, Jagatsinghpur  and other dignitaries.
For the first time, such a unique initiative of establishing the stall on eGovernance was taken up by the district unit, which was operational for five days. It created   much enthusiasm among common public, mostly youngsters, towards role of Information  Communication Technology ICT and its impact as various citizen centric applications to provide online services for good governance.
The entire process was successfully coordinated by Shri Bibhuti Bhusan Rout, Scientist E cum DIO, Shri Bikash Ranjan Nayak, DIA of the District.


The major part of the Gajapati district Orissa belongs to hilly terrain lush green forests and undulated topography, which is inhabited by the tribal communities. Forest covers 2301.98 Sq. km approx. 60 percentage  area of the total area of the district 3850.00 Sq. km.. It has 1528 villages having 7 Blocks and 129 GPs.
Launching the GIS Portal, at the newly constructed building of NIC District unit, Gajapati, the Collector, Shri P C Das, informed that it is the 2nd LWE Left Wing Extremism  affected district to initiate development of a complete GIS application - Desktop as well as web based GIS. This initiative would support the district administration at different levels in decision making, implementation, monitoring & planning of various sectoral activities.
Addressing the participants Dr. Mrs M. Routray, Scientist-E and Head GIS Div., NIC Bhubaneswar, informed that the portal would enable   capturing, storing, manipulating, integrating, organizing, analyzing and displaying geographic data and combining both spatial data Map with non-spatial data  Tabular data.Participating in the presentation, Shri B K Samal, Scientist-D, NIC Bhubaneswar, informed that prior to this official launching of the portal three workshops have been organized to acquaint various level of officials to get hands on feelings of various features of the application.
The entire programme was organized and coordinated by Shri  T. Balakrishna Murty, DIO-cum-Scientist-C, and Shri R. R. Majhi, Scientific Officer -SB.

Brainstorming Session on ENVIS Network Websites’ Restructuring & Security Audit at Van Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, May 4-5, 2011

Background: ENVIS Network is a decentralized System of Environmental Information Dissemination System for Policy Planners, Decision Makers, Scientists, Environmentalists, Researchers, Academicians and General Public. ENVIS Network is the central part of ENVIS Scheme of Government of India managed by Ministry of Environment & Forests. Presently, it consist of 76 Nodes (Called ENVIS Centers) spread all over India and these ENVIS Centers are hosted at India’s premier Institutes/Organizations working in their specialized thematic areas pertaining to Environment.

NIC Role: From its inception, ENVIS Scheme is employing modern technologies for achieving its objectives, such as Internet, as indicated in the Long Term Objectives of ENVIS Scheme. National Informatics Centre (NIC) is closely associated with this program of the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India (MoEF) since 1995. NIC is providing complete ICT Support to ENVIS Network, be it Email Support, be it ENVIS Network Websites Hosting, be it ENVIS Network Emails Group, be it ENVIS Network SQL Database Support, be it NICNET VPN Connectivity for ENVIS Network Websites’ Maintenance and so on and so forth.

Challenges: Now-a-days, Cyber Attacks are frequently happening causing defacing of Websites, denial of Services and in worst cases crashing of Web Servers. Keeping that in mind and also the guidelines of Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India pertaining to secured website hosting infrastructure, MoEF has decided to Restructuring and Security Audit of ENVIS Network Websites with the help of NICSI with an objective of uniformity in User Interfaces vis-à-vis the main objectives of ENVIS Scheme.

Event: To arrive at uniform User Interfaces of all ENVIS Centers Websites, a “Brainstorming Session on Restructuring & Security Audits of ENVIS Network Websites” was organized at New Delhi during May 4-5, 2011 with all stakeholders on boat. The outcome of this Session was quite useful for further developments in this endeavour. This has given NIC an opportunity to freeze the user requirements, which will help in delivering the products as per the aspiration of MoEF and ENVIS Network fraternity in particular and all other stake-holders in general

India NIC - Restructured Website of Ministry of Minority Affairs launched

On May 11, 2011 Honourable Minister of Minority Affairs, Government of India, Sh. Salman Khurshid launched the new website of the Ministry of Minority Affairs available on URL Minister of State for Minority Affairs Sh. Vincent H Pala was also present on the occasion.
The new site has been given a new look and feel with user-friendly features and addition of a search engine for advance and customized search operations.
Subjects have been grouped systematically under drop-down Menu bars allowing for easy navigation. The site has also improved in terms of content presentation, graphics, design and formatting. Browsing has been made simpler and easier. One of its highlights is that now the user can dynamically increase or decrease the font size of the content.

India NIC - Training cum Workshop on Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS)

After successful implementation of The Mother and Child Tracking System at 57 locations in Phase-I, all the remaining 09 districts of the Haryana State need to be covered in Phase-II. Accordingly, training was organized by National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), Haryana with the support of NIC, Haryana from 06.06.2011 to 14.06.2011 at NRHM, Sector-2, Panchkula for remaining districts. This one-day programme was organized for seven consecutive days meant for different batches. A total of 150 IT assistants have attended this training session.
The training was accomplished by Mr Rahul Jain, PSA from NIC Haryana who demonstrated the following in detail:
1. Preparation of various master data.
2. Procedure to add villages those are not available in Census-2011 data.
3. Explained the importance of accuracy in creating master data.
4. The procedure for online data entry for pregnant women and Child registration & immunization.
5. Generation of Work plans based on different parameters.
6. Data uploading features.

Hands on sessions were also organized for participants for better understanding of concepts and work flow of the application. With this training, MCTS has become operational in complete State.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

details of Assests and land declare by Shri Sushil Kumar Modi, Minister, Finance, Commercial Taxes, Environment & Forest.

details of Assests and land declare by Shri Sushil Kumar Modi, Minister, Finance, Commercial Taxes, Environment & Forest.

Declaration of Assets by Shri Nitish Kumar, Chief Minister. of Bihar

l, NITISH  KUMAR,  son of Late Ram Lakhan  Singh agEd 59 years,  resident of Village -
Hakikatpur  P.O. & P.S.  - Bakhtiyarpur,  Dist.
- Patna  (Bihar)  give hereinbelow the detaits of
the assets  (immovable,  movable,  bank  balance,  etc.) ot myself & my son (Nishant)  |
Note: Nishant's assets  include :
a) Inherited  ancestral agricultu€|, non-agdcultuEl land,  residential  building at Katyanbigha  and
Hakikatpur,  Bakhtiyarpur.
b) Plot at Kankadagh  , Post Otfice  a/cs, NSCq KVPS  , balance  of bank a/cs , Omaments  and
receipts from Government on a/c Salary, GPF, Gratuity  etc. inherited from mother  (since
deceased)  who was a Govemment SchoolTeacher.
A. D.t lls of movable assets a9 on 07.12.2010
Deposit in Bank, Flnanclal  lnstltutlons
& Non-Benkinq Flnancial  ComDanies
SBl, Patn. Secrgtarlat
SBl, Parliament  House, Delhl
PNB,  Boring  Road,  Patna
SBl, S.K.Pu.l,  Patna
PPF wlth  SBl,  Balley Road, Patna
Flxed  Dopoiit  wlth SSI
, S.K,Pu.i,Patna
Bonda,  Debenturc! and Sharss in
comDanl€a.  Mutual Fund
Sl4 SBNPP Tax Saver  (Open  EndodGrowth)-  Unlt6 : 2313.67t
(Sundaram  BNP Pa.ibas Mutual Fund)
other  Flnancial Inatrumonts,  NSS,
Po6tal S.vinoa.  LIC otc.
Po3t Ofiic.- onthly  Incomo Scherno
Post Oflico
- Rocurring  Oeposit
ilotor V.hiclea
(detailE ofmake,  otc.l
(Details  of Weioht & Valuel
Two  gold .lnqa  : 20 gms. and
One Motl Studdod Silver Ring
Gold  Om.mentr
- 30 Tola!.
Silver Ut6ncils
- 5 kg., cinnl-5P6.,
Silver Coin6
- 82 Pcs.
Othgr A3aets,  such  as values ot
Rs. 47,594r{4
Santro  La Car
rrodsl - 2003
R8.  47,000/-
Old Tv-  Vrluo  not
Rs. 3l,760/- R8,  1,7601-
Re.  6,095.28
R8.  3,08,,129.00
R8. I,l0,45lY- (NAV)
(Co3t  - Rs, 60,000/-)
R5. I I
,58,000rRr. 2,35,600rNIL
Rs.  9,20,000/-
A.C. R8. 38.200rComputer  Rs.34,476/-
Alrcoolor Rs.  7,000rTread lrlll Machlno
& Stabllser  Rs.  35,0dr/-
Cow  -l wnh
Calf-l  R8.53.0001-B.  Datail8 ot hmovablo.ssets  as on 07.12.20t0
Aoricultural  Land
Survey  (Khata) number (s)
Ertent (Total moasur.mentl
Curent ma*ot  value
(Clrclo Rate + 50% ofCirclo  Rato)
l{on-Ao.lcullural  Land
Suwey  (Khata) numbo(s)
Extonl  (Total measu.omentl
Curent maakst value
(Circlo Rato  + 50%  of Circlo  Rate
tor  (a))
BulldinoslCommerctal  &
Locatlon  : Rosid.ntial  (a) & (b)
Survey  (Khda)  numbq(3)
Extent  (Total moasurgmont)
Curent martet  yalus
(Circle Rat6 + 50o,  of Ciicte R.te)
Houso/Aoa menb etc,
Location:Sanaad  Vlhar  Co.op.
G.oup Houslng  Soclety  Ltd.
N. Delhi
Sudoy  numbe(s)
Extont  (Total measu.omont)
Cur6nl  markgt valuo
(Hypothocatod to Slate Bank ot
, Patna Secrctadate  BEnch  ,
1000 sq. ft.
Coat pdce
Rs.l3,38,330rLa]kot Rs
Lakhs  (App|ox)
Kalyanblghe  (Nalandq)
I ac.ea 86.5 docimal
Rs.  31,34,250t-  (Approx)
a) Kaly.nbiha  (Nalanda)
blaganpura,  P.C. Housing
a) 608 & 642
b) 1094
a) 7 dsclmal
b)2524  qq.
a) Rs. 1,36,500/-  (App|ox)
b) Rs.  39,19,1r-  (Ae transtsr
ls re6taictgd,honce  cost
p.ico iB trkon)
a) Kalyenbigha
b) Hakikatpur,
al 279 & €00
a) 6,75 decimal
b) 2.5 decimal
e) RB, I,31,625J-  (Approx)
b) Rs.  8,27,83t.  (Applox)I give hereinbelow  the details  of my liabilities/overdues  to public  financial  institution  and  governmentdues:
s. No. DescJiption and Addrcaa of Bank
/Fin.ncial Institutlon(s) I
Amount outatandlng  a9 on
(a) (i) Loans from Banks  : Flat
(Sansad  Vihar  Co-op. croup
Housing  Society  Ltd,  New
Delhi)  hypothecated  to Bank.
8OO  OO1
KS. 1,93,046.88
(iD Loan6  folm  financial
(iiD Govemment  dues  :
(a) dues to  departmsnts
dealing  with govemment
(b)  dues b  departments
dealing  with supply  of water
(c) dues to  depanments
dealing with supply  of
(d) Cues to  depadments
dealinq  with telephones
(e) dues to  departmgnts
dealing  with  government
transport (including aircrofts
and  heljcopters).
(f) other  dues,  if anv NIL NIL
(bXD Income Tax  including
I Also indicate the
assessment year upto  whlch
Income  Tax Retum filed. cive
also Permangnt Account
Nurnber  (PAN)
ASSTT. YR.  2010-2011
PAN : AGRPK  4613 Q
(iD Wealth  Tax
lAlso  indicate  the
assessment year  upto whach
wealth  Tax  return filed.l
(iiD Sales Tax
in case of
Proprietarv  business  I
(iv) ProDefW Tax NIL
PATNA, thellth day of December,2o1o
-'  '  \
lql\Ll Lor
( NtTtsH KUMAR  )  '

For More Detail Click here

Circle rate or Market value of Land in all distric of Bihar | land rate at Patna, Bihar

Market Value Register

Market Value Register is a new utility to help you discover how much a plot of land will cost depending upon its location anywhere in Bihar. Registration of land is carried out through District Sub-Registry Offices (DSRO) and so far, a total of 113 such offices have helped in providing necessary inputs to this utility.

Very soon, details related to land under remaining DSROs will also become available on this site and then you will also be able to calculate the applicable Registration Fees, Stamp Duty, etc. using this utility.

DSRO/SRO Offices: 

   Circle Code: 
  Thana Number: 

Either the Circle code or Thana number is missing or it has been incorrectly specified. Please check the codes once again.

Note: To identify the market value of different types of plots across the state, three crucial inputs are necessary. You need to start by selecting a District Sub-Registry Office and then type in the codes for the Circle and Thana under which your plot is located. If you do not know the Circle Code or the Thana Number, click on the question mark appearing inside the circle next to it.

for More detail

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Bihar Governmnet : Urban Development Dept. has released important information related to passing of house construction plan as per the new process on its Notice Board.- July- 2011

Bihar Governmnet : Urban Development Dept. has released important information related to passing of house construction plan as per the new process on its Notice Board.- July- 2011

For Detail Click Here

Bihar Government : Notice to defaulting Promoters/ Directors of projects finance by BICICO. - 09-06-2011.

Bihar Government : Notice to defaulting Promoters/ Directors of projects finance by BICICO. - 09-06-2011.

Applications are being invited for the post of Block Development Officers and Executive Magistrate on deputation basis. - 24-06-2011.

Bihar Government Invited Applications are being invited for the post of Block Development Officers and Executive Magistrate on deputation basis.
For Details

Bihar Panchayat Election 2011 Result online | Bihar gram panchayat election result

Bihar Panchayat Election 2011 Result online | Bihar gram panchayat election result

The 73rd and 74th Amendment to the Constitution of India is a milestone in the process of establishing democratic decentralised administration through local bodies and taking administration to the doorsteps of the people to ensure economic and social justice. The State Election Commission (Commission) is a creation of the 73rd amendment of the Constitution of India. The Commission was created with the responsibility to conduct election to the Panchayats at various levels. Article 243-K provides for the powers and responsibilities of the State Election Commission.

The State Election Commission has been vested with the power of the superintendence, direction and control of the entire process for conduct of elections to Three- tier Panchayat Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies of the StateElectoral Laws & System

Elections are conducted according to the constitutional provisions, supplemented by laws made by State Assembly . The major laws are Bihar Panchayat Raj Act, 1993, Bihar Municipal Act, 1922 and The Patna Municipal Corporation Act, 1951. The Bihar Panchayat Elections Rule, 1995 deal with the delimitation of territorial constituencies of panchayat, the reservation thereof, the preparation and revision of electoral rolls and Conduct of Election to the Three- tier Panchayat Raj Institutions. The Bihar Municipalities constitution of territorial constituencies Rules, 2001 deals with the delimitation of territorial constituencies of Nagar Parishad and Nagar Panchayats .The Bihar Municipal Election and Election petitions Rules, 1953 deals with the preparation and revision of electoral rolls and Conduct of Election to Nagar Parishad and Nagar Panchayats. The Patna Municipal Corporation constitution of territorial constituencies Rules, 2001 and Patna Municipal Corporation preparation of electoral rolls and conduct of elections Rules, 1951 deals with the delimitation of territorial constituencies of Nagar Nigam , the reservation thereof, the preparation and revision of electoral rolls and Conduct of Election to Nagar Nigams of the State. The Supreme Court of India has held that where the enacted laws are silent or make insufficient provision to deal with a given situation in the conduct of elections, the Election Commission has the residuary powers under the Constitution to act in an appropriate manner. The same hold good for the State Election Commissions as well since a comparisons of Article 324 and Article 243 K of constitutions of India would show that the State Election Commission has same powers with regard to Panchayat/Urban Local Bodies Elections as Election Commission of India has regarding to Parliament and State Assemblies.

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